Kevin has over 20 years of experience in technological-based environmental and natural resource planning and management. Kevin was with Tesera System Inc. for the past 15 years and held the role of Vice-President and CFO of Tesera for the last 9 years. TeseraSystems is an innovation-based firm developing technological solutions oriented aroundgeomatics and risk analytics for the natural resource sector and beyond (municipal, insurance, etc.). In his role of Vice President and CFO of Tesera, Kevin developed a very strong passion for contemporary business approaches and business model innovation. He very much enjoys the holistic nature of strategic corporate/business planning and the financial/business administration of the company. Kevin has a strong transformational leadership philosophy and is driven to inspire the passion and creativity in others through the work he is involved with. This approach is the foundation for the collaborative business model that Kevin developed in his role with Tesera (highlighted in Kevin’s MBA thesis entitled “Examining Business Model Innovation through the Case Study of a Firm”).
Kevin Pettersen holds a B.Sc, (1st class hon.) in Physical Geography and a M.Sc. (Climatology and GIS) both from the University of Victoria, and also holds a Master of Forest Conservation from the University of Toronto. In May 2012, Kevin completed an MBA through the University of Northern British Columbia and has a special interest in business strategy and business model innovation.
Prior to Tesera Systems, Kevin worked with the Federal Government through the McGregor Model Forest Association and Natural Resources Canada as well as with the University of Victoria and the British Columbia Ministry of Forests.